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OrNamenTTokYo, The Book Launch:Screening, Performances, Round Table, on 22nd September 2016
OrNamenTTokYo Book Launch
We are pleased to announce the publication of OrNamenTTokYo Book,
and invite you to our book launch event in Tokyo, September 22, 2016.

Title: OrNamenTTokYo
Organisers: Verina Gfader, Merce Rodrigo García
Co-organiser: Emiko Kato (Art Autonomy Network)
Cover Designer: Verina Gfader
Editor-in-Chief: F.Atsumi
Editors: Verina Gfader, Emiko Kato
Publishers: Art-Phil, Art Autonomy Network
* "Book" is printed matter as a part of OrNamenTTokYo project.

To celebrate OrNamenTTokYo Book we gather at NICA, Nihonbashi Institute of Contemporary Arts, an art center in Odenma-cho (Nihonbashi), at 3pm, hoping you can join this coming-together of voices, cultures, geographies, and ideas: The gathering continues the tradition of OrNamenTTokYo events with a multifaceted program.

The Great East Japan Earthquake happened on March 11, 2011. In November that year, two female theorists, artist Verina Gfader and architect Merce Rodrigo García, travelled from London to Tokyo in order to stage OrNamenTTokyo, a tripartite event in collaboration with Emiko Kato, the Director of Art Autonomy Network [AAN]. OrNamenTTokyo reflected on the in/significance of the ‘common’ in Japan.

This book is not a document or archive of the OrNamenTTokYo events as such. It is yet another format in order to articulate an ongoing enquiry which seeks to examine the city by way of conceptually demobilizing, reediting, and reconstructing it in a multidisciplinary setting. OrNamenTTokYo Book gathers critical contributions by many talented writers from different fields and diverse cultural-geographical backgrounds.
Five years from OrNamenTTokYo this gathering around the publication of the book seeks to extend that initial enquiry by pinpointing the continuing–and recent–ambiguities that surround the notion of publicness. OrNamenTTokYo Book Launch endeavours to retrace the site of the public through the complex and composition of individuals, wills, practices, norms, policies, regulations and rights that sustain today’s cities.

<OrnamenTTokYo Book Launch Event>
Date: September 22 (Thursday, National Holiday) 15:00-20:00
Venue: NICA, Nihonbashi Institute of Contemporary Arts
Address: B1 Publicus, 13-1 Odenmacho Nihonbashi Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Admission: 1,500 yen (advance reservation 800 yen)
Book: 3,240yen
Entrance + Book: 4,600 yen
Advance reservation including a copy of the Book: 3,900 yen
Booking: info@a-a-n.org Art Autonomy Network[AAN]
Capacity: 40 seats
Panelists: Jorge Almazan Caballero, David d’Heilly, Christian Dimmer, Hikaru Fujii, Merce Rodrigo García, Gen Ide, Emiko Kato, Kenta Kishi
Contribution by Verina Gfader
Perfomance: Aokid, Sam Stocker & Satoshi Ikeda
Screening: Hikaru Fujii

Book orders taken via info@a-a-n.org
by a-a-n | 2016-09-16 23:03
<< 『瀬戸内芸術祭3日間ツアー』参... OrNamenTTokYo 「... >>

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